Hello Angie & Philip,
It’s time for photos again!
I hope you have had a fabulous July so far. Things are going well here at the GLA Toddler House. Three kids graduated from the Main House and have now been added to our group, as well as two new little ones coming in to GLA for the first time. They all seem to have adjusted well, and the kids have welcomed them with open arms.
A few months ago a church in the U.S. got together a container of donations for GLA. They packed it and shipped it out to Haiti , where is had been sitting at the wharf, until earlier in the month when customs released it to us with very little hassle and a minimum fee! We are VERY THANKFUL!!! The container was driven up to GLA on the back of a semi. Being such a large vehicle it was difficult for the driver to make it up the narrow curving roads to the orphanage, but he did and we unloaded everything with excitement. On the driver’s way back to the wharf, he had many problems including sliding off the road and running into a neighboring house. Thankfully no one was hurt and the vehicle was at last towed down the mountain for repairs. None the less it for a very interesting event, and it was an unforgettable way to introduce ourselves to the neighborhood. Now we have begun sorting and looking through the boxes of donations… clothing, toys, many school lessons and activities, medical equipment, soap, lotion, baby wash, toothpaste, blankets, shoes, etc. So much stuff! We are blessed to have it and will be stocked up on many things for months to come! What a huge Praise!!!
Ronaldo is healthy and doing well! He hasn’t had any illnesses this last month, despite the strep throat that seems to be traveling around Haïti right now. His measurements are as follow:
Height: 116 cm /46 inches
Weight: 46 lbs
Ronaldo’s English teacher has been very pleased with Ronaldo’s progress and enthusiasm. Ronaldo has been the quickest she says in learning new words and how to use them. The other day his friend scored a yard game of soccer, and Ronaldo congradulated him with an “Excellent! Good Job!” He learns more from hearing it used over and over than he does from having it explained to him and working on it in the classroom. “Excellent” was never a part of their learned vocabulary, but he had heard it enough to know what it meant and when to use it.
Have a great evening!
God bless you!