
We have R.J.'s passport, but we can't travel until we have Phil's

From: LaDawn - GLA Adoptions
Sent: Mon 6/4/07 10:05 PM
To: Macomber, Angia
Subject: GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am VERY, VERY, VERY happy to inform you that we got Ronaldo's passport today!!!!! It usually takes a week or two from the date of the orphan investigation until INS sends the necessary paperwork to the US Consulate; however, we will be in regular contact with the US Consulate to find out when they have received it. I'm just curious, how much notice do you need before you can come? As soon as we find out that the US Consulate has everything they need, we will make an appointment for you to pick up Ronaldo's visa, and so it would be helpful if you could give me just a bit of an indication as to how soon you can come to get him. I would guess that it could be by the end of next week!!!!! Very, very soon!!!!!!!

Have a great night knowing this great news!!!!!
LaDawn - GLA Haiti


From: Macomber, Angia
Sent: Mon 6/4/07 10:38 PM
To: LaDawn - GLA Adoptions
Subject: RE: GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW, LaDawn! I actually can't believe it's true!

We can come almost immediately, HOWEVER we need Phil's passport! It expired June 1, 2007. We sent it in March 13 for renewal by regular mail. We were told it would take no more than 10 weeks. It will be 12 weeks tomorrow. We read in the USA Today newspaper on Saturday that, because of the new U.S. requirement that everyone must have a passport to leave the country, the passport office is swamped and it is taking much longer than 12 weeks. We were just getting ready to contact our Congressional rep. to see if they can help get Phil's passport ASAP. We will keep you posted, but we certainly want to come as soon as we possibly can! Nevertheless, we can't buy plane tickets until we actually have Phil's passport in hand. Surely the Lord won't let us down now and keep us waiting even longer because of a delay on THIS end!!! We'll all pray for Phil's passport to arrive THIS WEEK!

Thanks again and again and again for such wonderful news! Our boys' birthdays are just 8 days (and 2 years) apart, and it looks like their Homecoming Days will be about as close also. Charlie came home 3 years ago today. :)

See you SOON!!!