Hello Angia and Phil,
I am VERY excited to inform you that on Monday we are applying for Ronaldo's passport! We received all of Ronaldo's documents from legalization today! The Parquet wait was FAR too long; however, I must admit I am very happy with how quickly things moved after Ronaldo's dossier did finally get out of the Parquet. I would say passports are averaging 6-8 weeks at this time. Next week we are sending all of Ronaldo's adoption paperwork for translation, and then as soon as we get it all back, Dixie will forward you the necessary documents and information that you need to file your I-600 in the States. Then, once you have received your I-600 approval, if you could please scan and forward a copy of your approval as soon as you get it, we can go ahead and begin his orphan investigation with INS here in Port-au-Prince.
Congratulations on moving to the next step!!!!! The end is definitely in sight! *
Hope this news helps you to have a great weekend!
*See Timeline for completing the legal process in Haiti