On Saturday, we received our finalized adoption documents (in French) along with their English translations via e-mail from the orphanage director in Haiti. These documents are needed so that we can file our very last piece of paperwork for the adoption! This morning (Tuesday), Phil and I drove to Indianapolis to the office of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly known as INS) to turn in the papers. It was a very exciting 5-minute appointment and the lady sent us off saying, "Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl?" "A boy. He's 7," I proudly replied.
Here's what all this means: There are two things left that we're waiting on before we can bring R.J. home -- a Haitian passport so he can leave Haiti and a U.S. visa so he can enter the U.S. as an immigrant. R.J.'s passport was applied for in Haiti two weeks ago, and the paperwork we filed today (I-600) finalized the visa application.
In a few days, we should receive the visa application approval in the mail, which we will then fax to Haiti, so that the U.S. Immigration office in Haiti can begin the work needed to issue the visa, which we will pick up when we go to Haiti to get R.J. Then, as soon as both Phil and R.J. have their passports, we're ready to go!
We probably have less than 50 days now ... :)