
June Photos and Update from GLA

Dear Angie & Philip,

I hope you have had a great month!

Things have been quite busy here, but all in very good ways that advance us in improvements in the orphanage and care of the children. As you know we vacated our Toddler house and moved into a new compound consisting of not one but TWO smaller buildings and a massive FLAT yard for the kids play in! It has definitely been a God send. It seems we searched for months for a larger home for all the toddlers. We needed something in our area, but large enough to house all 60 kids, up to 12 volunteers, and 13 child care workers. We visited one place after another, nothing fitting, it was getting quite discouraging… and then one morning a very non-excited bunch of us jumped into the car to see “another place”. That was it! It couldn’t have been more perfect if we had designed it ourselves. I can just see God chuckling up there, as we walked around in amazement at how perfect it was in every sense; size, layout, location, lease, landlord, etc. Of course it’s perfect, because He knew that at just this time we would need somewhere to live and He had it build long ago just for us! No one has even lived in it before! He knows our needs before we ever ask, and is provider for them all, each and every one! As the kids say, “Our God is a Great BIG God!”

Moving went smoothly. Many hands make light work. We are thankful for all those whom pitched in to get the job done. It was precious to see the kids’ faces when they arrived last of ALL. We had unpacked all their stuff and had cooked dinner, so when they arrived all was in place for them. The energy in the cars on the way over was immeasurable! They were so excited. When we arrived no one could get out of the car fast enough! The idea was to get them right in for dinner, but a few escaped the herding and ran the length of the yard just laughing at how big it was! The next amazement then for them was of course, “this room is so big we can all eat in it together at ONE TIME!” something that hasn’t happened in over a year’s timeJ.

Ronaldo got a brand new metal frame bed, and new pajamas in the “big boys” room. Also known as Chanm 5. The medium and older boys live in the smaller house, sharing with the volunteers and the school rooms. The girls and small toddlers all sleep in the other building.

Ronaldo’s current measurements are as follow:

Height: 114 cm / 45 inches
Weight: 45 lbs

I am sorry this cannot be more personal and more informative about Ronaldo. There is so much I’d like to write, but alas… where can I pull the time from? I hope you will understand as we have had such a busy month and I am just now getting started on sending out photos. Next month things should be more settled.

God bless you,

Have a wonderful week!